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For more than 20 years, the National Vulvodynia Association (NVA), a nonprofit organization, has been dedicated to improving the health and quality of life for women with chronic vulvar pain. Subtypes of vulvodynia include provoked vestibulodynia, generalized vulvodynia and clitorodynia. Many sufferers report vulvar burning and painful sexual intercourse. If you are a woman in pain, her concerned partner, or a health care provider who treats vulvodynia, the NVA - with our expert medical board - can assist you. Hundreds of women each year thank us for our incomparable educational materials and support services. Let us help you too.

What NVA Can Offer You

For Patients:

  • Learn about diagnosis and treatment in online tutorial
  • Receive health care provider referral list
  • Receive the latest treatment and research information via email
  • Connect with one of our support contacts
  • Read our self-help, pregnancy, and partner guides

For Health Professionals:

  • Place your name on our referral list
  • Use our popular CME-accredited online tutorial
  • Receive the latest treatment and research information via email
  • Receive current research abstracts via email
  • Request complimentary patient brochures for your office

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